
Select a subject to get started

Discrete Mathematics

This subject covers the study of mathematical structures that are fundamentally discrete rather than continuous.

Theory of Computation

This subject deals with the study of abstract machines and computational problems.

Computer Network

This subject focuses on the study of data communication and computer networking.

Database Management System

This subject covers the study of managing and organizing data in a database.

C Programming

This subject involves learning the C programming language and its applications.

Digital Logic

This subject focuses on the study of digital circuits and logic gates.

Operating System

This subject covers the study of computer operating systems and their components.

Computer Organization & Architecture

This subject involves the study of the structure and organization of computer systems.

Data Structure

This subject covers the study of data organization and efficient algorithms.


This subject involves testing the problem-solving and reasoning skills of individuals.

Engineering Mathematics

This subject covers the study of mathematical concepts and their applications in engineering.

Compiler Design

This subject covers the study of designing and building a compiler.


This subject covers the study of designing and building algorithms.

2023 Pritish Mishra